Mouth Guards in Brentwood, TN

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can wear down the enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity, fractures, and even tooth loss over time. At Brentwood Dental Center, we offer custom-fitted dental night guards as a protective measure to prevent these problems. These night guards act as a barrier, absorbing the pressure from grinding and clenching and helping to preserve the integrity of your teeth and the health of your jaw.

Woman with a dental night guard in Brentwood, TN

What are Dental Guards?

Dental guards are custom-made appliances designed to protect your teeth and jaw from the effects of grinding, clenching, and external impacts. The primary purpose of a dental night guard is to create a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth, distributing the pressure from grinding or clenching evenly across your bite. This not only helps to preserve the integrity of your teeth but also relieves tension in the jaw muscles and joints, reducing the risk of developing TMJ disorders.

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When is a Dental Night Guard Recommended?

A dental night guard is recommended for individuals who suffer from bruxism, a condition characterized by the grinding or clenching of teeth during sleep. Bruxism can lead to significant damage to your teeth, causing them to wear down, fracture, or become sensitive. Here are some common symptoms that might indicate the need for a dental night guard:

  • Frequent headaches, particularly upon waking
  • Jaw pain or discomfort, especially in the morning
  • Tooth sensitivity or unexplained wear on teeth
  • Cracked, chipped, or fractured teeth
  • Tight or tired jaw muscles
  • Clicking or popping sounds in the jaw joint
  • Pain or discomfort in the ears without any ear infection

How to Wear and Maintain Your Night Guard?

Proper Fitting and Wearing Instructions

To ensure your night guard provides the maximum benefit, it’s important that it fits correctly and is worn properly. When you receive your night guard, it should fit snugly over your teeth without causing discomfort or shifting during the night. Make sure to position it correctly by gently pressing it onto your upper or lower teeth as instructed by your dentist. Wearing your night guard consistently as recommended will help protect your teeth and alleviate tension in your jaw muscles and joints.

Maintenance Tips for Longevity and Hygiene

  • Daily Cleaning Routine: Rinse your night guard with cool water after each use and soak it daily in water with a denture cleanser tablet to remove bacteria. This helps to remove bacteria and keep the night guard fresh and hygienic. Avoid using hot water, as it can warp the material.
  • Avoid Frequent Brushing: While it might seem like a good idea to brush your night guard regularly, frequent brushing can actually cause abrasions to the material, reducing its lifespan. If needed, use a soft toothbrush without toothpaste.
  • Storage Recommendations: Always store your night guard in a protective case when not in use. This helps to keep it clean and prevents it from being damaged or misplaced. Avoid exposing your night guard to extreme temperatures, as this can cause the material to warp. 
  • Dental Check-Ups: Bring your night guard to your regular dental check-ups at Brentwood Dental Center. We will assess the fit and condition of the appliance, making any necessary adjustments to ensure it continues to provide effective protection.

Benefits of Wearing a Mouth Guard

  • Protects teeth from damage during sleep: Prevents wear, fractures, and injuries that can result from grinding and clenching.
  • Relieves tension headaches and jaw joint pain: Reduces strain on the jaw muscles and joints, alleviating discomfort associated with bruxism and TMJ.
  • Enhanced comfort and protection compared to over-the-counter guards: Custom-fit design ensures a better fit, greater comfort, and more effective protection tailored to your specific needs.
  • Custom Sports Mouthguards: For those involved in sports, custom sports mouthguards offer superior protection against dental injuries, ensuring your smile stays intact during physical activities.
Night guard dentist in Brentwood, TN

Schedule a Custom Night Guard Consultation in Brentwood, TN

Whether you’re dealing with teeth grinding at night or need protection during sports activities, a custom-fit mouth guard offers the best solution. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation at Brentwood Dental Center in Brentwood, TN. Our team is here to ensure you receive the most comfortable and effective mouthguard for your needs.